Extensive Sales and Marketing Funnel Driven Search and Display Ad Campaigns
Search Engine Marketing in comparison to SEO is a paid activity that offer automatic top SERP ranking and lead generation in return to bidding fee paid to search engines and other (Pay-Per-Click) networks. It is more of marketing services where an instant sale is assured to an online business. It is offered through primarily by pay per click services.
* PPC (Pay Per click): In this service, a website’s desired link is being placed on the top search engine rankings and other publisher’s websites on the basis of fee charged by the PPC services provider for a click. Google ADWORDS is the most popular example of different PPC (Pay per Click) programs.
* GOOGLE ADWORDS: In this service, a website’s desired link is being placed on the top search engine rankings and other publisher’s websites on the basis of fee charged by the PPC services provider for a click. Google ADWORDS is the most popular example of different PPC (Pay per Click) programs. Other popular PAY PER CLICK SERVICES includes Microsoft Adcenter, Yahoo Network Services and Amazon Advertising.
* FACEBOOK ADS: In this service, a website’s desired link is being placed on the top search engine rankings and other publisher’s websites on the basis of fee charged by the PPC services provider for a click. Google ADWORDS is the most popular example of different PPC (Pay per Click) programs. Other popular PAY PER CLICK SERVICES includes Microsoft Adcenter, Yahoo Network Services and Amazon Advertising.