•    Hub (expert page): This happens to be relevant page with a good number of high quality content that even relates out to other pages.

•    Impression (page view): The instance when users see a webpage only once a time.

•    In bound link (inlink, incoming link): Inbound links that are related pages are the source of trust and pagerank.

    Indexed Pages: The pages of a website that are been indexed.

•    Inlink (incoming link, inbound link): Inbound links from related pages are the source of trust and pagerank.

•    Keyword: The word or phrase that is put into the text box of a search engine. .

•    Keyword Cannibalization: The excessive reuse of the same keyword on too many web pages within the same site. This practice makes it difficult for the users and the search engines to determine which page is most relevant for the keyword.

•    Keyword Density: The percentage of words on a web page which are a particular keyword. If this value is unnaturally high the page may be penalized.

    Keyword Research: The hard work of determining which keywords are appropriate for targeting.

•    Keyword Spam: Inaccurate filling of keywords with higher density.

•    Keyword Stuffing: Inappropriate keywords as being stuffed into a content of a website. .

•    Landing Page: This is a page that a user reaches after clicking on a link in a SERP (Search Engine Result Page). 

•    Link bait: A webpage made with deliberate attention to attract an incoming link through the medium of social media.

•    Link Building:  Regularly developing incoming links to a site.

•    Link Exchange: A reciprocal linking scheme often facilitated by a site devoted to directory pages. Link exchanges usually allow links to sites of low or no quality, and add no value themselves. Quality directories are usually human edited for quality assurance.

•    Link farm: This is a group of sites that all links to each other.

    Link Juice:  A good pagerank.

•    Link Partner: This is referred to two sites that link to each other. Search engines do not provide value to the links due to their reciprocal nature.  

•    Link Popularity: The measurement of a site based upon the number and quality sites attached and linked to it.

•    Link Spam (Comment Spam): Unnecessary links that are posted on user produced content like blog comments.

•    Link text (Anchor text): This is the text of a link that remains visible there. Search Engine uses anchor text to indicate the relevancy of the site that it tells about and the link to the lading page.

•    (Latent Semantic Indexing):  The combination of words as relevant to the search engine indexing and ranking are known as to be the LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing). In SEO, the combination of these words is also refers as to be LSI.

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