Writing as a process requires certain focal points that you should always keep in your mind to drive better content writing results. As starting, with in order or drive complete attention from a reader the quality of the content should be simulating to five sense of the reader. For the purpose a writer can go for descriptive style of writing to get complete pleasure from the written content. It should appear to a reader that an object is occurring itself before his eyes.
Whenever writing is true with your approach to the writing as honest and as simple you will write in approach as much appreciation you will receive from a reader. Some intelligent and regular readers merely with a review can make sense about the content written by you.
Keep your writing style narrative as you are telling someone a story about, as you can more often involve a reader with you and associate him deeply with you. And your reader feels like watching a panoramic movie or picture before him. Or if you can not narrate then take your readers on a journey. In describing an object describe all the important parts of it like as you are describing a picture. And make your writing as effective as possible use words as much as possible and the effective words.