With continuation to the previous post, there are many other factors that are required to be get noticed when a merchant is planning e-commerce and digital marketing strategy for his brand or portal.
The biggest advantage offered by an e-commerce venture to a shopper is delivery of product and services to his preferred location. This supply chain expertise also offer an excellent opportunity before an e-commerce enterprise to expand and grow at an exponential rate. Partnership with a digital marketing agency for promotion and content strategy paves a growing path for a successful e-commerce store. For a content and digital services requirement a merchant can choose from different online platforms.
The prominent advantages an e-commerce merchant can avail from location independence nature of e-commerce are.
- Trans Border Business: With location freedom provided by e-commerce, an entrepreneur can expand his business internationally on his will. He is required to adopt various marketing strategies in order to expand his business. The steps of his businesses include:-
- Market Penetration
- Product Development
- Market Development
- Diversification
When, there is so much buzz around integrated technologies and power in the hands of consumers to decide about their choice for buying, integrated shopping experience is the solution offered by the e-commerce companies.
It is only for the sake of making their promotion and deliveries consumer friendly, e-commerce companies are investing in online and digital modes to better customer engagement. Many of them have started offering integrated shopping experiences. They are trying to get with all the touch points, where, there is a certain possibility of consumer interacting with their product and services.
An integrated marketing communication approach where physical and digital channels are integrated with each other offers an effective brand promotion and user experience. Many a number of effective strategies, therefore, are adopted for generating conversions and interact with a client.
- Offering discounts and coupon vouchers
- Creating user responsive pages
- Sharing user-generated content
- Form relationships with customers with a customer-centric view
- Optimizing mobile experience
- Integrating social media channels
As the numbers of smartphone users is expected to go beyond 5 billion by the year 2020, it offers a great opportunity for business to grow and expand at e-commerce mode. To capitalize over these huge number of mobile phones business have started employing advanced mobile technologies like Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), Progressive Web Applications, and more.
- Advanced Mobile Predictive Technologies: In order to increase the influence of content, digital marketing agencies, are personalizing it more and more with the help of mobile predictive technologies. This technology is helping them to gather as much data and further weave a unique customer experienced for its prospect across the sales funnel. With the help of predictive technologies, a marketer can improve over business intelligence, reduce fraudulent activities, practice price management, target promotions and in many such measures.
- Employment of Progressive Web applications (PWA): The most advanced Progressive Web Application is the future of e-commerce. By offering an instant app like browsing experience it combines the functionality of a regular web page and the future of e-commerce. Magento 2.3 is one of many e-commerce platforms that have implemented a PWA studio which provided merchants tools and solutions to personalize their content, add local preferences, and provide the consistent user experience.
- Accelerated Mobile Pages: AMP pages improve the quality content delivery to the users. It offers a mobile experience much faster and better than the regular mobile apps. . A lightning-bolt sign showcases the websites using the accelerated mobile page technology before their URLs.
- Using Near Field Communication (NFC): This is a sort of communication protocol that allows two different electronic devices to get into touch within the vicinity of 3-4 cm from each other. Hence in this contactless radio technology one device happen to portable (mobile phone) and the other one is a fixed terminal. E-commerce is one such device that is supported by NFC technology.
Thus, it is quite evident with the intervention and proliferation of technology, e-commerce trends are becoming more convenient and user friendly.