You may be wondering, why your blog is despite with so good content is devoid of the due online traffic. On the internet, like the print media, the marketing of a blog is also very necessary on the parameters of the online digital marketing. Among many popular methods to promote a blog, the online submission to the blog at the leading blog submission directories can reduce your worry about the promotion of your blog to a considerable extent. Submission to blog directories creates a backlink for the blog written by you. Below are mentioned some of the best blog directories to promote the blog.
Blog Digger: This is a good tool for searching blogs, locally.

 Blog Pulse: Enabled with community features, on-site analytics, the directory has good reputation in various search engines.

 Technorati’s: Submitting a blog around in 30 categories, this is a very popular blog directory. This directory represents a mixture of directory as well as news site.   

  Blog Search Engine:
Offered with member ship plans, this is one of the most valuable directories of reputation and prestige.    
 Blog Catalog: It has extensive categories to register a blog into with features to search by country, language or user.

  Best of the Web Blog:  Enabled with search features in various categories the listing at this blog is very conducive for back link as well.
  Bloggeries: With quite clear interface, it is one of the most respected blog directories. 
  EatonWeb Blog Directory: This is a paid directory, however, review at this site are valued in high esteem and honor. Powered with social features, this is a free, manually-edited directory that even synchronizes with the RSS feed of a blog. 

 Globe of Blogs: On this blog only non-commercial blogs are accepted.

British blogs:  Though not focused on location, this directory prefers genuinely British bloggers.

Blog Universe: has a layout that’s easy to navigate and, although the content is limited, it’s an all-around good directory worthy of submission.
 Bigger Blogs: It is combined as business as well as an article directory into one.
Bloggernity: This is a quality directory with only exclusive listings and selection of blogs.  

Bloggapedia: Combines submission, blog posts and news related to blogs.

 Spillbean: It is a very well designed blog directory with most common categories and sections.

 Blogging Fusion: With around 60 categories, the directory has very extensive blog listings.

 Blogflux: Powered with social media features, the directory also has onsite search features for blog apart from submission of the blogs. .

Bloglisting: This directory list blogs according to their page rank and is used extensively in exchanging links.

 Blogio: Powered with on-site search the blog features a collection of good blogs.   

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