The Person Finder was made to sort out a common problem as existing in most of catastrophes when different agencies search out and uses various aids for looking information about victims. Christchurch earthquake Google’s Person finder was employed after the 2011 New Zealand earthquake. Before the arrival of gadgets it was very difficult to look at and compare the information as provided by the various aiding agencies. In the case of any eventuality, the volunteers in other countries often scrape sites for this information and provide it to the People Finder database. Others extract information from blogs, texts and tweets and convert it to the format that it can be employed on the database. The system was for the first time came into the use after the Haiti earthquake that occurred on January 2010.
In order to help out earthquake victims in Japan, Google has initiated a version of its Person Finder service. This service is very helpful for persons that are terribly trapped into the suffering of the earth quake. The directory performs as the directory and message boards so that people can search out their close ones as posting a note about their safety and wellbeing. It is designed in a manner that it can be fixed on websites and various social networks so that its reach becomes as much wider and expanded to the extent. The Person Finder Service at it’s an earlier version was very successful to let victims meet with their lost ones. At its initial responses, the Japan quake Person Finder has logged around 4,000 records. In this massive earthquake and after tsunami ten of thousands people have displaced from their exact location and place of living.