According to the Automattic, that is the parent company for the most popular blogging platform, told about near 6 million new blogs and about nearly 23 billion pageviews for 2010. This shows about an increase of about 53% in year 2009. According to the latest stats as projected and represented by The Next Web it told that there media uploads has raised and reached upto the level of 94.5 terabytes of news photos and videos and new post there raised up to the level of 146 million for the past year.
According to the founder of the Automattic, Matt Mullenweg and CEO Toni Scheider revealed that about 30 million publishers accounts for only about 10% of entire websites in the world. They also told that WordPress gets about the 300 million unique visitors every year. However this much of volume online the Automatic has yet to establish itself as a successful marketing venture. It is an inconsequential figure for a company which plays a very important central role in around in web publishing.