If you are somehow is a teacher and primarily is into task of teaching students about writing and especially with respect to make is a fun filled and interesting activities you can do it in more systematic and appropriate manner by following steps as being discussed below.

•Do the research:  There are several very good sites available now that have sample lesson plans and writing activity ideas. A few include www.webenglishteacher.com, www.theteacherscorner.net, and www.teachersdesk.org.

•When the class goes on field trips, always let them write a short paragraph afterwards about what they experienced. For example, a trip to the zoo would be a good time to write a page about the child’s favorite animal and its characteristics.

•Before year’s end, write a story using every child in your class as a character. If you are really artistic, add pictures too. When children see their own names in print it’s fun, exciting and may even inspire them to write a story of their own.

•More you should tell your students to be rather organized and systematic.   Keep each and every individual student’s  creative writing lesson in a their  folders. Label each folder by date and topic. Keep all holiday writing assignments together as well.

•Introduce your students to varying type of writing styles and form of writings subjects like as their families, nature, the environment (going green), school, entertainment and hobbies. Also let them to write “how to” articles, simple research papers and autobiographies and/or biographies

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