When we are into search engine optimization, internet marketing and any other form of internet activity that is somehow related to web promotion then it is worthless, unless it is not supported by link building or link promotion exercise that too is very necessary and integral to an entire search engine marketing campaign or has decisive role to play into the SERP results of a website.

However, what we can understand from link promotion in a layman’s language and how it helps in defining course of action for search engine results. On the basis of a very simple language and devoid of technical jargon, link building is a process when two websites mutually share urls with each other in order to increase traffic of their websites. As planted url (A) of another website, portal and e-commerce website let a visitor with common preference to click on it and visit through the respective website.  This way further even a better url (B) of a website (A) thus provide traffic both A and B website hence this way this process of  link promotion keeps on running and help websites to grow  traffic and search engine ranking wise.    

However, things there are not as simple and appearing to be there are certain terms and conditions are signed by both parties and there rules and regulations issued by search engines are being followed by the both respective parties. Generally link promotion activity happens to be of three types: one way, three way and reciprocal.                 

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