US online advertising expenditure is about to surpass total advertising spending in print newspapers and magazines according to the estimations of various research organizations. eMarketer has come up with a report, that online advertising spending will grow by 23.3 percent to 39.5 billion dollars in 2012, while print advertising spending would 33.8 billion dollars this year from 36 billion of previous year’s estimation.
“Advertisers” comfort level with integrated marketing has reached to new levels than ever before. More and more of bigger brands are putting stake on dollars online. The company showcased that that online ad spending has rose to 23 percent to 32.03 billion dollars last year while total ad spending rose 3.4 percent to 158.9 billion dollars. Overall, total media ad spending in the US may grow at an estimated rate of 6.7 percent to 169.48 billion dollars this year, on account of upcoming presidential elections and London Olympics.