For an ideal commercial newsletter distribution service one can opt about following number of services and avenues.

•   Mailing list segmentation: Organization of your newsletter subscribers in niche-targeted groups of interest.

•    Spam filter preview: Test to verify if major Internet providers will treat your email newsletter as spam.

•   Customizable API: Integration of the newsletter distribution service with your business applications or content management system.

•    Personalization: Automatically address your newsletter subscribers using their first names or company names.

•    Analytics: Reports and statistics about the performance of your email newsletter (subscribes, unsubscribes, opened emails, etc.)

•    Manual Mailing List Import: Upload of your subscribers by hand (instead of using an automatic procedure) to have greater control over your mailing lists and avoid spam.

•    Custom Sign-up Form: Management of the data fields to include in the embeddable sign-up form for your newsletter.

•    Price: Cost of the email newsletter distribution service.

And this list is not complete in itself as there many other viable options are available in the market. 

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