Google in its efforts to outplay other riders on internet and cloud is introducing a new service named as Google Play. Google play, a single cloud-based media store for apps, songs, books and movies streams between Android devices and the desktop. The Android Market and Google Music have already been integrated into it. It also has a lots of lots of other fee streaming content available that can be accessed through and with the help of Google Wallet.

The Google Music which was started in November has put into Google Play, and it’s U.S.-only. Android apps are available across countries. Movies and books are available in the U.S., U.K. and Canada. Japan also has movies, and Australia also has books. Google Play let users to pin content for offline listening, viewing or reading, however it is well offered from the cloud.

Google Play provides leisure to the Android users to move between devices and restart their entertainment where they left off. It gives convenience of cloud-based modern life that no service or family of devices has ever tried to offer the users. Contrary to Apple’s media, that needs entire file for each device, Google Play will play from the Web unless is advised to work otherwise. With a good Internet connection, this will be a unique new experience for the users on the cloud. Google has launched it just before the launch of next iPad. It can be considered as Google’s iTunes.

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