The messages and tweets as observed online are of lesser sinister nature. For Blackberry’s BBM, it needs user authentication and their contacts with a PIN. Though on social media sites subject of Westfield riot had been discussed widely. More than Twitter, it was the private communication systems that provoked others to become part of rioting. A number of BlackBerry users are alleged to receive instant messages that hinted about future riot locations. BlackBerry’s BBM system is learnt to far popular among youth as a mean of communication in London. Users get connected with each other by using a unique PIN, and afterward the message can be distributed to larger groups. BBM, due to its being business friendly, is private as well as secure and further makes it difficult to assess the nature of information passed across and through these days. Research in Motion, manufacturers of Blackberry phones, has promised to co-operate with the authorities.
The widespread violence, that has gripped the entire Britain over period of a week, is under intense debate (finding cause for violence) for being originated from the rumors and hate speeches on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. A majority of politicians, media experts and police personnel’s are of the view, that Twitter and Blackberry Messenger had some role in generating the mass violence across Britain. However, some other experts are thinking on a different line of action as they feel it overstatement to blame the technology for this riot and arson.