A review site is a website on which reviews are posted about various different businesses, product and services. Or either the web review sites use Web 2.0 techniques as to collect reviews from people or roll into professionals writers to write author reviews on the issues and topics of concern for the site. One of the pioneering review sites includes Epinions.com and Amazon.com.

Review sites normally have support of advertising, and in most cases it uses the comparison shopping or price comparison as a method to gather and collect reviews.  . Some business review sites also let businesses to pay for enhanced listings, without making any impression over the review and ratings of the site.  Product reviews sites are sometimes are supported by providing paid links directly to websites that sell the items being reviewed. With the rise of affiliate programs on the Internet, a new trend of review sites has emerged in the recent times known as to be affiliate product review sites. Mostly these sites review compare one product or compare a good number of from the same domain. The writer of the review there remains affiliated with the owner of the product that indicates every time when someone procures this product, affiliate gets a commission on it.

According to the studies did by independent research groups like Forrester Research, comScore, The Kelsey Group, and the Word of Mouth Marketing Association shows that rating and review sites makes an impression over even consumer shopping behavior. About in 2007 the large companies like as the Best Buy and Walmart started mentioning the online reviews in television advertisements and at the back side of the receipts. Originally reviews generally happen to be anonymous, and most review sites keep the identity of the reviewer a secret. Review sites works as a public forums, and are legally well protected from any liability.

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