A broader definition to e-governance implies electronically driven governance where entire services and information are provided to masses by the electronic medium. The most modern and advanced form of electronic communication now-a-days is represented by Internet. Under e-governance, in a technology driven environment information and communication technology (ICT) is extensively used for delivering government services, exchange of information and communication transactions.
E-Governance Activities |
The entire system hence works as integration of different stand-alone systems and services between government-to-customer (G2C), government to business (G2B). Within an e-governance setup, government services are offered to citizens in a very convenient, effective and transparent manner. The most important audiences that are catered in an E-governance services mode are government, citizens and businesses/interest groups. Primarily four basic models are thus works in order to communicate in e-governance as– government-to-citizen, government-to-employees, government-to-government and government-to-business. However, the terms “E-government” and E-governance are generally considered to be similar.
In E-government, ICT is used for government purposes for public administration purposes. It is a one-way method of delivering services with a limited exposure for a common public to take active participation into. On the other way, the perspective of the e-governance is the use of the technologies that help both who are governed and and being governing. In E-governance, the communication occurs in two way method between masses and administrators. The Public-Private Partnership (PPP) based e-governance projects are massive success in India. E-governance is now considered as future of governance, especially, where corruption free government is imminently required.
The core to e-governance is reaching to the beneficiary and ensure by systems and checks that services intended for the benefits are served meeting their objectives. There exists an auto-response to support the validity of e-governance, where Government realizes the efficiency of its governance. E-governance thus is by the governed, for the governed and of the governed.